Quantum ESPRESSO schools

Video recordings and educational material from past schools on Quantum ESPRESSO.

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Thumbnail of PWTK-2024: An Online Tutorial
The aim of the online PWTK-2024 tutorial is to teach participants how to use the PWTK scripting environment to effectively automate their Quantum ESPRESSO calculations by employing built-in workflows or creating their own. The tutorial will cover topics ranging from basic to more advanced scripting.

The tutorial consists of one hands-on session per day. Participants will use their laptops/desktops and will be given access to an HPC supercomputer to learn how to use PWTK on HPC machines.

Participants should have at least a basic knowledge of how to use Quantum ESPRESSO. Interested participants lacking Quantum ESPRESSO know-how can attempt to follow the first part of the online QE-2021 school before the PWTK-2024 tutorial.
Created on Jun 28, 2024
Thumbnail of HPC and high-throughput materials modeling - ICTP, Trieste 2017
Advanced Workshop on High-Performance & High-Throughput Materials Simulations using Quantum ESPRESSO | (smr 3102), Trieste, January 16 - 31, 2017.
Created on Dec 18, 2023
Thumbnail of QE tutorial 2022
Created on Nov 28, 2023
Thumbnail of QE school 2023
Created on Nov 28, 2023


Views: 151
Last viewed: Oct 23, 2024 01:22:40

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