Wannier90 schools

Video recordings and educational material from past schools on Wannier90.

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Thumbnail of Wannier90 v3.0 School - Virtual Edition 2020
Over the last few years, Wannier90 has undergone a transition from a code developed by a small group of developers to a community code with a much wider developers base. In response, the code has grown significantly, gaining many novel features contributed by this community. The culmination of all these contributions has been the release of a new version of the Wannier90 code (version 3.0) with a new website for the occasion and a collaborative article: Pizzi et al., Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 32, 165902 (2020)

In this 3-day school, we aim to present the state-of-the-art functionalities of the Wannier90 code, with a particular focus on the latest developments (topological, transport and optical properties; automated Wannier functions; high throughput calculations) to both new and experienced users, and developers alike. Each day will involve lectures on selected topics and hands-on tutorials.

This school took place in virtual form (remote attendance) on March 25-27th, 2020.
Created on Dec 18, 2023


Views: 128
Last viewed: Oct 23, 2024 01:39:57

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