Understanding the dynamic processes at solid-liquid interfaces in electrochemical devices like batteries is key to developing more efficient and durable technologies for the green transition. Fundamental and performance-limiting interfacial processes like the formation of the Solid-Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) [1] spans numerous time- and length scales. Despite decades of research, the fundamental understanding of structure-property relations remains elusive. Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) generally provides sufficient accuracy to describe chemical reactions and the making and breaking of chemical bonds at these interfaces [3]. Still, the cost is prohibitively high to reach sufficiently long time- and length scales to ensure proper statistical sampling [4]. Machine learning (ML) potentials offer a potential solution to this challenge. Still, training ML-based potentials capable of handling activated processes in organic or aqueous electrolytes remains a fundamental challenge since the potential must capture both intra- and intermolecular interactions in the electrolyte and during chemical reactions at the interface [4]. Here, we present new approaches using foundation models [5], graph neural networks [6] and new transition state training sets [7] for chemical reaction networks, and machine/deep learning models to predict the spatio-temporal evolution of electrochemical interphases [3]. We also discuss the development of active learning methods to accelerate segmentation of microstructures in non-destructive 3D imaging techniques, such as X-ray nano-holo-tomography, and enable the visualization of battery electrodes. Finally, we discuss how such models trained on multi-sourced and multi-fidelity data from multiscale computer simulations, operando characterization, high-throughput synthesis, and testing, to provide uncertainty-aware and explainable ML for early prediction of patterns from chemical spectra (Figure 1) [8].