In the heart of Leuven, Belgium, the stage was set to a groundbreaking event organized by the DOME 4.0 project and brought together visionaries, innovators, and industry leaders at the SIEMENS premises, from October 10th to 12th, 2023. The Industrial Engagement Open Day and Hackathon was an exciting platform for showcasing the latest advancements in technology and innovation.
The event shed the basis to begin a new era in manufacturing. With fascinating presentations, thought-provoking discussions, and inspiring demonstrations, the event left a lasting impact. In a fast-evolving tech landscape, events like the DOME 4.0 Open Day and Hackathon play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and collaboration.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the participants, contributors, and attendees who made the Industrial Engagement Open Day and Hackathon a resounding success, and special gratitude to Siemens for opening their doors to host this three-day event.